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Win-Compilation im August 2017 – Powered by WIHEL und langweiledich.net

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Der Sommerurlaub ist schuld, dass die Win-Compilation im August mit sehr, sehr deutlicher Verspätung am Start ist.

Dennoch – oder eher gesagt erst recht! – lege ich euch die 55 handverlesenen Clips in zwölf Minuten von Martin und Maik ans Herz.

Viel Spaß!

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Und wie gewohnt hier die Aufstellung der Original-Videos in chronologischer Reihenfolge:

1 . #Despacito with snoring (via)
2 . 0 – 100 real quick! (via)
3 . DARTS BULLSEYE from 45m TOWER! (via)
4 . Plane lands on Sunrise Highway Yapank (via)
5 . When mum dresses dad (via)
6 . Star Spangled Banner by Jokgu of the Flockstars (via)
7 . Solving a Rubik’s Cube.. on water skis?? (via)
8 . Poor people roller coaster (via)
9 . ゴールデンボンバー、新曲披露は8秒で終了 異例の「8秒フリーライブ」開催 (via)
10 . World’s LARGEST SUPER SOAKER!! (not clickbait) (via)
11 . Hamburger Tischler baut sein Meisterstück – ELBCAMPUS Hamburg (via)
12 . FREE METAL (via)
13 . Fox 5 getting trolled (via)
14 . Rc death of wall (via)
15 . French Bulldog, Race Car Frenchie (via)
16 . 40 Ton Humpback Whale Leaps Entirely Out of the Water! A Video by Craig Capehart (via)
17 . Arduino POV Fidget Spinner – DIY!
18 . Dog Uses Furniture to Get French Fries (via)
19 . DIY Semi-Automatic Paper Plane Launcher from Cardboard at Home (via)
20 . 20170718 154910 (via)
21 . How to make Siri Sing Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen (via)
22 . J’ai fait la course avec une marmotte, ça a mal tourné! (via)
23 . Kiel – HSV: Schmidt trifft aus 70 Metern gegen Pollersbeck (via)
24 . The mighty Thor took LEGO Master Builders 290 hours to construct. (via)
25 . Miniature Firework Stand – with TINY fireworks that WORK! (via)
26 . Make a 2 Player Pinball Game // X-Carve Project (via)
27 . Water Hose Rodeo (via)
28 . Daft Punk 14 juillet (via)
29 . How to Make an Elastic Band Paddle Boat (via)
30 . July 17, 2017 (via)
31 . Card Throwing Trick Shots | Dude Perfect (via)
32 . Rogue Plush Toys (via)
33 . THE ULTIMATE CLAW MACHINE WIN OF 2017 aka So Called Kids Free The Robot (via)
34 . Vertical transportation concept allows city dwellers to cycle up skyscrapers (via)
35 . A naked man does a little trick with a cup and a tablecloth (via)
36 . Baby elephant takes a ride down a slope on his stomach (via)
37 . Bear Rides Motorcycle and Waves to People (via)
38 . Flamethrower RC FIRETRUCK (via)
39 . Floaty bird floating (via)
40 . A Fly Has An Impressive Grip (via)
41 . Grade 6 Teacher Trolls Students After Banning Bottle Flipping for a Year (via)
42 . Vape-Bubbles, anyone?! (via)
43 . „Mobile Phone“ Ein fahrende Telefonzelle von Benedetto Bufalino (via)
44 . Most consecutive one handed backflips – Guinness World Records (via)
45 . MOST UNBELIEVABLE RUN OUT EVER?!! 8-BALL POOL IN REAL LIFE! By Chris Melling! บิลเลียด (via)
46 . Mowing The Hedge (via)
47 . Peek-a-Boo Bush of Kittens (via)
48 . Riding on a Motorized Beer Crate (via)
49 . Skateboard Parkour in 8k – Streets of San Francisco! (via)
50 . This boy loves paint shopping (via)
51 . Two cats asking for food (via)
52 . Two passengers are leaving the toilet on a Virgin Atlantic flight #smilehighclub (via)
53 . Using Patience Catching Bass (via)
54 . Увидеть круглую радугу с небоскреба / Full circle Rainbow (via)
55 . 7th Regiment Small Brass Ensemble Performs For Beluga Whale (via)

Autor: Marc

Hallo, ich bin Marc. Schön, dass Du bei mir im Blog vorbeischaust. Hier mein Leben in weniger als 140 Zeichen: Passionierter Läufer, Bücherfreund, iPhone 12, ipad mini 2, Social Media, nur der BVB, Reiseblogger, Vater, (Ehe-) Mann, Chef. Ich bin übrigens auch bei Facebook, und Twitter zu finden.

Ein Kommentar

  1. Besser spät als nie, woll? 🙂 Danke.

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