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Win-Compilation im April 2023 – Powered by WIHEL und langweiledich.net

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Der Osterurlaub 2023 ist vorüber – und es ist Zeit für die nicht mehr ganz so taufrische Win-Compilation im April.

Im Gegensatz zu Maik und Martin bin ich mit der Veröffentlichung der Videos-Zusammenstellung sehr spät dran. Der Urlaub in Cuxhaven an der Nordsee war schuld 🙂

Viel Spaß mit 58 Clips in auf die Sekunde genau dreizehn Minuten!

Und wie immer gibt es hier alle Videos in voller Länge:

01. Incredible idea 😂 tennis ball pinata for dogs (via)
02. Girl Manages to Catch a Thrown Cellphone with Her Heel
03. He makes carvings of dogs who passed away for their owners 👏 (via)
04. Task failed successfully?💯 #trickshots
05. Magen Luster shows her 16-month-old son named Keaton at the Texas Eye Institute trying out his new glasses!
06. Fans Donate Teddy Bears for Earthquake Victims
08. 🤯🤯🤯 crazy ping pong rallye (via)
09. Keeper Entertaining Viewers during a Sea Otter Show
10. together forever – Rick Astley cover #ukuleleplayers
11. NEW WORLD RECORD | Men’s Pole Vault | Mondo Duplantis, 6.22m (20ft 5in)! (via)
12. We Built a Drumset out of Pringles Cans! (via)
13. ThisisFINLAND.fi: Creating the world’s widest ice carousel on a Finnish lake (via)
14. Elephant Sprays Water at Lion (via)
15. Beethoven on SLAP BASS sounds ridiculously FUNKY (via)
16. “Garota com Brilho de Caramelo” Pintura a óleo sobre tela Modelo Marcella Rigo
18. Ema Klinec secures Raw Air title in historical day for Women�s Tour | FIS Ski Jumping (via)
19. Acoustic cameras can SEE sound
20. Organizing my Drawer with 3D Printing (via)
21. 7 guys➡️5 hours➡️9ft piano➡️12ft high window (via)
22. Duet with your staples pin cube (via)
23. Swinging From Web Shooters! – Sticks To Everything (via)
24. Why it is Not Patented? Insert Cardboard Into Angle Grinder and Amazed (via)
25. Guys playing techno music with tools
26. Skydivers Pulls a New Record for “Head Up” Skydiving Formation Jump
27. One Second = One Hour PART 2 – The Slow Mo Guys (via)
28. Guy Using a Drone to Film a Naturally Colored Lake
29. Concrete Cluster (via)
30. Bottle Flips from Level 10 to Level 100 (part 2)
31. Curious Blue Wrasse Fish Enters Diver’s Mouth
33. Dante #calligraphy #art (via)
34. Eine Tür kalligrafieren (via)
35. Firefighters in tight spaces are incredible .#firefighter #reallife #hero @comicguys3519 (via)
36. him watch me do a flip shorts cars gymanstics sheesh (via)
37. It�s an extra EarPod.
38.Jenga Master
39. Making a ball in a box on a CNC mill (via)
40. Coca-Cola Bottles Balanced without Adhesive in an Impressive Display
41. Making Minecraft Music Box (via)
42. 3D Drawing of a Golden Retriever
43. Man Wearing a Casual Outfit Pulls a Skateboard Handstand Trick
44. radio signals are fuckin wild! (Halo Xbox on 1977 tv) (via)
45. The mood. #BarryMcGee at @galerieperrotin in Los Angeles. (via)
46. The Smallest Fully Functional Bike (via)
47. Time Slider – digital clock (via)
48. Driving A Tesla Upside-Down (10ft Tall Wheels) (via)
49. Wrap Your Bicycle (via)
50. ¡HE HECHO HISTORIA! Primera persona del MUNDO con un 76% de discapacidad que ha logrado terminar una MARATÓN: 42, 195 Km ✊🏻✊🏻✊🏻 (via)
51. ✨ Target: Swinging Key Ring | Distance: 20 yds✨
52. Punching challenge (with five balls)
54. 🚨 BUCKETS FOR BUCKLEY! 🚨 @HBuckley13 makes a hole-in-one at the 17th hole in the second group of the day! (via)
55. Freebird on bagpipes (via)
56. Man Impressively Balances Bottle on Mouth Stick after Popping Balloon
57. Slow Motion Footage of Whale Breaching
58. Cat Breaks Through Plastic Sheet Instead of Jumping Over It

Autor: Marc

Hallo, ich bin Marc. Schön, dass Du bei mir im Blog vorbeischaust. Hier mein Leben in weniger als 140 Zeichen: Passionierter Läufer, Bücherfreund, iPhone 12, ipad mini 2, Social Media, nur der BVB, Reiseblogger, Vater, (Ehe-) Mann, Chef. Ich bin übrigens auch bei Facebook, und Twitter zu finden.

Ein Kommentar

  1. Urlaub geht vor! 🙂 Dennoch wie immer danke fürs Teilen.

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