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Win-Compilation im März 2022 – Powered by WIHEL und langweiledich.net

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In diesen trüben und Angst machenden Zeiten kann ein wenig Ablenkung ganz hilfreich sein.

Und deshalb empfehle ich euch die Win-Compilation in der März-Edition. Maik und Martin  haben 47 Clips in gut zehn Minuten zusammengefasst und leisten dazu ihren Beitrag, diese traurigen Zeiten ein wenig freundlicher zu gestalten.

Viel Spaß!

Hier gibt es alle Videos in chronologischer Reihenfolge:

01. Emile’s current mood: unflinching anticipation. (via)
02. Performer Pulls Multiple Back Flips on a Slackline as Crowd Cheers and Announcer Hypes It Up
03. DIY WINTER OLYMPICS! Siblings Recreate Curling Match On Driveway
04. Girl Throw a Pen and It Bounces off the Wall and Goes in Cup Unintentionally
05. 🤫
06. I Draw By Eraser On White Paper – DP ART DRAWING
07. Guy Hits the Golf Ball Over Another and Drains the Golf Ball in the Hole
08. Иногда, идеи инсталляций баланса мне подсказывают мои подписчики. (via)
09. Africa by Toto but its played on instruments in Majora’s Mask (via)
10. Girl Pulls a Jump Rope Combination on a Half Inch Tightrope
11. 1/87 Smart DIY micro RC car (via)
12. A45 Rahmedetalbrücke Mural Art — Lasst uns Brücken bauen #bridgeplease (via)
13. Cat Rehearses a Routine With a Lady Doing Contortion
14. Imaginary Forest With Vinyl Bleeps (via)
15. INSANE HIGH JUMPS! Roller Skater Jumps Over High Beam
16. Figure Walking to Dover Castle Accompanied by Illuminated Star Lights and Drumbeat
17. Pianist Learns Songs by Ear on OMEGLE
18. “Lamborghini” 🏎 (via)
19. Wanted to feel the BIKE in Game (via)
20. A Border Collie gently guiding ducklings to some water…😇🐥🐶 (via)
21. This guy snowboards uphill (via)
22. A handful of harmonicas… (via)
23. Crazy Rocketman: Riding the “Beast” jet engine go kart. (via)
24. Humans. Of course. #Eunice #StaySafe (via)
25. A Kinetic Wall Sculpture by Felipe Pantone Spins in a Hypnotic Reel of Endless Color (via)
26. Cats and Marble Run
27. Making it in a single trip, final boss (via)
28. Caterpillar and Woodpile (via)
29. He really did that 😦😳
30. Finely tuned blow to the billiard ball (via)
31. Playing bass with a bow actually sounds HEAVENLY (via)
32. I Tried the Drum Gyroscope (via)
34. When you’re a goalkeeper, you need to expect the unexpected… (via)
35. oi nasa (via)
36. Mitch Parkinson Steals Joel Parkinson’s Board After Drop In (via)
37. Making a Dress out of 2000+ Pennies (via)
38. this is beyond cute
39. I have nothing to hide. #shorts #funny #diwhy (via)
40. Watch this little guy clean his eyes (via)
41. The Biggest Folding Knife that Works (via)
42. The little girl covers her pet’s ears to avoid the scare of fireworks. (via)
43. Up high on #elcapitan! (via)
44. Very intelligent heifer on my Dad’s farm in Cornamona! Can open the gate herself!! (via)
45. ¡GOL! ❤️🖤 Johan Venegas con este golazo empata el juego para Alajuelense. 🔥🥵 (via)
46. Heute morgen nach dem Gottesdienst…
47. “So how was your day today at work?” “You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.” (via)

Autor: Marc

Hallo, ich bin Marc. Schön, dass Du bei mir im Blog vorbeischaust. Hier mein Leben in weniger als 140 Zeichen: Passionierter Läufer, Bücherfreund, iPhone 12, ipad mini 2, Social Media, nur der BVB, Reiseblogger, Vater, (Ehe-) Mann, Chef. Ich bin übrigens auch bei Facebook, und Twitter zu finden.

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