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Win-Compilation im April 2017 – Powered by WIHEL und langweiledich.net

| 1 Kommentar

Langsam nähern sich Maik und Martin meiner zeitlichen Performance an.

Bekanntlich schaffe ich es selten, vor dem 10. des Monats die sehenswerte Win-Compilation einzustellen. Und dieses Mal ging es den beiden Jungs ähnlich.

Doch wirklich dramatisch ist das nicht, denn ihre neue Zusammenstellung der besten, spektakulärsten und lustigsten Videos ist wieder ein echter Knaller geworden.

Viel Spaß damit!

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Damit es noch schöner wird, gibt es hier die Original-Videos in chronologischer Reihenfolge (mit Fundquelle):

1 . Polyrhythmic Washing Machine (via)
2 . animated business cards by drew tetz (via)
3 . March 14, 2017 Heavy Snow aka Pi Day Storm (via)
4 . Catching a Real Ball in Virtual Reality
5 . Automatic Bullseye MOVING Dartboard (via)
6 . Raw: First-Ever Russian Car Curling Tournament (via)
7 . A better wine bottle (via)
9 . Zelda Ocarina Controlled Home Automation – Zelda: Ocarina of Time | Sufficiently Advanced (via)
10 . Back Yard Roller Coaster – Wyatt’s First Ride (via)
11 . Filming Up Close And Personal With A Rhino! (via)
12 . A Full Face of Googley Eyes (via)
13 . Hummingbird Pool Party Number Five! (via)
14 . How to Make a Tank from Matches Without Glue ! Will I Burn it ? (via)
17 . Nigel Owens gives the ballboy a yellow card
18 . Motorized LEGO Game of Thrones Red Keep – 125,000 Pieces! (via)
19 . Hanging With the Spider-Man of the Science Department (via)
20 . GoPro: Return to the Ditch – Tandem Kayak (via)
21 . Animatronic Legendary Yoda Battle, 3x Yoda! (via)
22 . Bentley’s Birthday | Extra Content (via)
23 . Dashcam Shows Student Juggles to Prove Sobriety to Police
24 . Japanese mascot performing death metal drumming for a children’s song. (via)
25 . Bladerunner: Wind Turbine BASE Jump (via)
26 . How to Build a LEGO M&M’s Slot Machine (via)
27 . Jetpack Skiing! Filip Flisar Charges Through Town at 120kph (via)
28 . Screenless projection experiments (via)
29 . Teenager can make his feet face backwards – Guinness World Records (via)
30 . 电脑机箱摊煎饼果子,什么都能将就,早餐不行。@办公室小野 (via)
31 . The Bat – Kinetic LEGO Sculpture (via)
32 . Laser Cut Vin Diesel Ham and Cheese Sandwich (via)
33 . Body Cut in Half Optical Illusion – Body Paint (via)
34 . Timbers Army unveil tifo at 2017 MLS opener: ‚Happy Little Trees‘ (via)
35 . How to Make A Standing Lego Batman Cake (via)
36 . Mountain Rescue Dog Has Fun Sliding on Snow (via)
37 . How to Make Hydraulic Powered Robotic Arm from Cardboard (via)
38 . Shamrock FC 285 Double Knockout Highlights (via)
39 . Autodesk PowerMill & Matsuura MX-330 5-Axis Machining Demonstration (via)
40 . Alligator Walks Across Golf Course With Fish
42 . Barking Parrot (via)
43 . Bike Lane Hero. New Years Day. (via)
44 . Bird gets massaged with q tips (via)
45 . camera shutter speed matches helicopter`s rotor (via)
46 . Driver hangs out window while truck is on cruise control (via)
47 . EYYC 2017 1A Open Final 1st Evan Nagao (via)
48 . Badminton Combined With Trampolin (via)
49 . Guillorme snags flying bat | Mar 2, 2017 (via)
50 . Happy Goose love woman and hugs her – Cute reaction (via)
51 . Justin Thomas’ insane hole-in-one at Mexico Championship (via)
52 . MAD SCIENTIST wins 2017 Monster Jam World Finals XVIII FREESTYLE (via)
53 . Mama riechst du das auch ?! (via)
54 . Monkey Milk Thief (via)
55 . Next Level Bottle Flip (via)
56 . Project Yorick (via)
57 . Rayna meets a „robot“. (via)
58 . Stefan Kraft 253,5m Vikersund 2017 NEW WORLD RECORD!!!
59 . The LAD Bible These clever dogs all wait patiently for (via)
60 . This Is Genius (Funny Dog Life Hack)
61 . This is what 1,000 Indian Runner ducks on their way to work looks like (via)
62 . Walking, Talking, Tree at Llano Earth Art Festival (via)
63 . 原始VR设备,真正的好老板! (via)
64 . Bottle Boys – Beat It (Michael Jackson Cover) (via)

Autor: Marc

Hallo, ich bin Marc. Schön, dass Du bei mir im Blog vorbeischaust. Hier mein Leben in weniger als 140 Zeichen: Passionierter Läufer, Bücherfreund, iPhone 12, ipad mini 2, Social Media, nur der BVB, Reiseblogger, Vater, (Ehe-) Mann, Chef. Ich bin übrigens auch bei Facebook, und Twitter zu finden.

Ein Kommentar

  1. Wir haben sie wie immer am ersten Werktag in Deutschland veröffentlicht. Mit dem 3. sollten wir noch weit genug von der Monatsmitte entfernt sein. 😉

    Aber wie immer danke fürs Teilen!

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